Thursday, August 16, 2012

#018 With so much jakat why the Islamic world has inequalities?

We find that 'roja' and 'jakat' have reached zenith during this ramadan season.

With so much oil and natural gas at their disposal, sparse population to take care of, abundant roja (fasting) and jakat (gift to poor), why there are millions of poor people in Islamic countries?

We cannot 100% blame the Europe and the United States for the plight of the Islamic poor. Europe and America are exploiting, it is a separate problem to be attended to.

In spite of the exploitation, the Islamic countries are getting billions of dollars through oil exports and the income and wealth, when distributed among the Islamic population, should have made them reasonably well-off, though they may not have luxuries. What we see in Gulf is -- some are super-rich and others are super-poor.

Though there may not be perfect equality as an abstract term, there should be some perceivable equality, in concrete terms. If it happens, no poor person will stand outside the gates of a mosque for jakat.

Can the Islamic rulers and clerics look into their mirrors and see for themselves, how ugly they will be?


Enigma said...

Billions of dollars earned through Oil exports are being pocketed by Oil Companies and millions of dollars are exploited by Western countries.Unless there is a transparent mechanism to distribute this money among the people,the gap between Rich and Poor will not be minimized.

ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

U R rt. Thks. for your apt-analysis.

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